Saturday, May 27, 2006

There's No Denying The Hotness Of Elves

The Legend of Zelda series has won numerous awards in its near two-decade run, but one magazine is calling out the game's hero, the boyish elf Link, as a perfect 10. The June issue of Out, a magazine focusing on gay and lesbian culture, named the green-leotard-wearing hero as the Hottest Video Game Character in its "What's Hot Now" section for his role in the upcoming GameCube and Wii release, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

From the mag: "When darkness enshrouds the land, Nintendo's sexy farm-boy-turned-wolf sets out to save the day in this upcoming game. His weapons: a sword, a bow, arrows, and kick-ass grooming skills."


Ranch Dressing Accessory Included

A silly AIM conversation Cookie and I had about Lost tonight:
(a fair warning- there is a bit of a storyline spoiler involved.)

deviledHam79: do you know they are making Lost figures?
jugglinggeese: i saw the charlie one and its pretty amazing
deviledHam79: yeah it looks great
deviledHam79: I bet the Hurley will be recycled Fat Bastard figures from The Spy Who Shagged Me
jugglinggeese: lol
jugglinggeese: hahahaha
jugglinggeese: that is fucking priceless
deviledHam79: hehe
deviledHam79: and it will talk. "You killed Libby! Get in my belly!"
jugglinggeese: hahaha
jugglinggeese: i want to eat a hanso baby
deviledHam79: lol
deviledHam79: I want my Libby back, Libby back, Libby back

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Those Who Can't Create...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mission Impossible III Review


  • MI:III does a respectable job of keeping intact what makes Mission Impossible fun. A small team uses really cool and undoubtably expensive gadgets to pull off seemingly unworkable tasks. Plus Luther is back.
  • J.J. packs in a lot of action without completely forgetting about the characters. There isn't a ton of character development but there's definitely more than you'll find in your typical shoot 'em up.
  • There is a sweet action scene that takes place on a bridge that almost feels like a tribute to True Lies, if I may be so bold. "The bridge is OUT!"
  • In his typical fashion, Philip Seymour Hoffman doesn't have a lot of scenes but he does make the most of them. Simon Pegg is also a nice addition to the film playing the english Marshall (Alias fans will get the reference.)
  • While I still feel the 1996 Mission Impossible was a more expertly crafted blend of action and intrigue, this third installment is leaps and bounds better than John Woo's suckfest that was MI:II.
  • The third act just doesn't seem as strong as the two leading up to it. While the first half of the film is fresh and clever, the journey becomes more run-of-the-mill as it continues on. That's not to say it ends poorly, it just doesn't keep the pop and sizzle going as much as it could.
  • As I mentioned, MI:III has some decent character development but it does seem that J.J. is more conditioned to building relationships over the course of many episodes (i.e.- Alias and Lost.) In a 2-hour span he gets the characters where they need to be but it's in a way we've seen done before many times over.

Torrey's Opinion:
5- Strongly Recommended
4- Recommended
3- A Mixed Bag
2- Sub-par
1- Don't Bother

Random related fact: As a producer of the film, Tom Cruise signed on J.J. Abrams to direct based primarily on the episodes of Alias he had seen on DVD.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This Post Dedicated To Schnepf

Anyone else think that Meg might be holding back Jack White? Think it might be time to cut loose some dead weight? Think she might be a little tone-deaf?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Random Thought For Sunday

Any "Pleasant Street" I've ever been on has failed to live up to the name.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Did Your Sister Eat Your Momma?

While sifting through a stack of DVDs at work today, my eye caught a particular quote on the back of the movie Kiss the Girls starring Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. The critical praise stated that the film was "A roller-coaster ride of thrills and chills. Think Seven times seven."

Now, even if you've never seen Seven, you know this statement couldn't possibly be true. It's like saying a brussell sprout is more delicious than a hot fudge sundae. But wait, here's the best part: the quote comes from one Anne Marie O'Conner of Mademoiselle Magazine. If ever there were a credible source for accurate film critiquing, boy howdy, she's it. Just because Morgan Freeman was in yet another psychological thriller, this does not necessarly make Kiss the Girls not one, not two, but seven times better than Seven... which is, by the way, one of the best thrillers every made. Don't insult The Finch by comparing his masterpiece to yet another half-baked Ashley Judd-driven vehicle. And leave the movie reviews to people who appreciate movies! Roger Ebert isn't covering your fashion shows, bitch.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Always Topical Foxtrot

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Friends Don't Let Friends Play WOW

This post is specifically targeted at my friend Bryan.

There's a command in World of Warcraft that tells you exactly how long you've played with your active character and how long you've been playing at your current level. All you have to do is type /played into your chat prompt to find this information out. If you're a regular player of the game, I think you should go and do that now.

*5/9 update- (cue the sappy Maury Povich follow-up music) Bryan recently bought a motorcycle and is expected to spend less time playing WOW.*

Clever Coffee

This is quite a brilliant bit of advertising... Folgers printed vinyl signs that stick to manhole covers and even have holes to allow the steam to come through.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I thought I was having kind of a lousy day today until I read this...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Burning Bush

A true American hero, Stephen Colbert stuck it to the White House with a blistering "tribute" roast at the yearly Correspondents Dinner held this past weekend. Click the link below and enjoy.

This man has balls bigger than your head.
(His tribute is available in three parts, all of them well worth viewing)

*update* since the link died, I'll provide this Transcript of Mr. Colbert's Speech.