Saturday, September 29, 2007

Amazon Cuts To The Chase

Well, this person IS from Canada...

Wavy Beans

This picture is not animated. It is an optical illuuuuuuuusion.

Fun With Captions

Jeremy shared some pictures today that make me chuckle...

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Writing Is On The Wall

MSNBC put together a list of 10 businesses that will slowly fade away from existance over the next 10 years...

Record stores
One of the most prominent music retailers, Tower Records, shut down all 89 stores last year after concluding it couldn't withstand the onslaught of online music stores and chains like Wal-Mart, which can offer lower prices and sell other items to offset the smaller number of CDs being sold.

Camera film manufacturing
According to The Chicago Tribune, from May 2006 to May 2007, the volume of prints made from digital cameras grew by 34 percent. Film camera sales, meanwhile, fell by 49 percent, while digital cameras sales continued to grow — by 5 percent. Of American internet users, 70 percent own a digital camera; another survey shows that 70 percent of Canadians now use a digital camera.

Crop dusters
The average age of the typical crop duster is 60, the number of crop dusters is dwindling, and the profession can be dangerous. Just several weeks ago, an Arkansas crop dusting company was ordered to stop flying in Iowa after spraying farm workers with a fungicide; 36 farm hands in a cornfield had to be decontaminated by a hazardous materials crew. In 10 years, the type of crop dusting plane that chased after Cary Grant in "North by Northwest" will have almost certainly gone south. Farmers say that they'll always need crop dusters, even though new technologies have made them less important than in the past.

Gay bars
As The Orlando Sentinel noted in a recent article, around the country gay bars have been going out of business as gay men and women have been gaining greater acceptance in society. What used to be a hangout for people who felt unwelcome elsewhere is becoming less necessary.

Some people thought they were through when radio and TV news came about. Even after the fax machine revolutionized offices, some people predicted that everyone would have their news faxed in, since that would be quicker than relying on a newspaper. But the numbers have been falling precipitously since the 1990s when the internet came on the scene. In the past year, the Audit Bureau of Circulations twice has posted drops averaging 2.1 and 2.8 percent over six-month periods. Newsrooms across the country have been hemorrhaging staff.

Pay phones
In 1997, there were more than 2 million pay phones in the U.S.; now there are approximately half as many. There are probably always going to be certain places like airports and hotels that offer pay phones, as long as there are people who don't own or can't afford cell phones. Because phone kiosks on the streets are a favorite for drug dealers, who don't want to have their own numbers tapped and tracked, cities are shedding them.

Used bookstores
They've been closing fast, and those that are still open are relying on what's making them obsolete: the internet. A used bookstore used to be the place to find that beloved, out-of-print children's book you used to read 17 times a day until your little sister flushed it down the toilet. Now you just type that title in a search engine and order it within minutes.

Piggy banks
You may chuckle, but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society, it's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist. A decade from now they may only be found in antique shops.

Telemarketing has been hit hard by the national Do-Not Call list that was established five years ago, and sales have been stagnant, but the industry still managed to bring in $393 billion in revenue last year. Some of this is due to clever marketing. This includes holding raffles at shopping malls; when you sign your information, you agree to accept calls from the company running the contest and its partners. Cell phones are exempt from automated telemarketing calls, but not from individuals calling. Then there are occasional windows of opportunity: The national Do-Not Call list is set to expire in 2008, unless you remember to register again.

Coin-operated arcades
With Nintendo Wii, casual gaming online and the Xbox 360, the video game arcade industry is thriving, but not the standalone brick-and-mortar arcades. Ten years ago, there were 10,000 arcades in the nation, and now the number is close to 3,000, according to the American Amusement Machine Association. Revenue from arcade game units brought in $866 million last year, which sounds good until you consider that in 1994, the industry was pocketing $2.3 billion and that the profits are only still high because it costs so much to play a game.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ain't Progress Grand?

I'm often guilty of taking technological advancements for granted so I found this picture to offer a nice little reality check. Here is what 1GB of storage looked like 20 years ago compared to what 1GB of storage is today.

Monday, September 17, 2007


This movie looks like a winner.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Spanish Flair

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
Jeremy dug up some old footage of he and I from our short but much-celebrated stint as street performers in Guadalajara. I was known as "The Great Hambino."

Just Be Cool, Pluto. Be Cool.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Is This Why Ticket Prices Are So High?

Sounds Like The Kim Bauer Approach

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Leave Britney Alone!

This, my friends, is the reason the Internet was invented.

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Official

It was announced today that the new Indiana Jones film will be titled "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." Your thoughts?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Well Now I've Seen Everything

Dear seasoned reviewers, like Greg Miller of IGN (pictured and whose work back at the Columbia Tribune we covered), you're reviewing Lair wrong -- according to Sony. Miller, and probably many other reviewers, received their copies today of the "Lair Reviewer's Guide" so that they might go back and say, "Yes Sony, we totally don't know how to play video games, thank you! Thank you so much for showing us the light on how to play these ... things. We will now go back and redo our scores with the wealth of information we have been given."

We probably couldn't say it better than Tycho of Penny Arcade when he wrote what every video game professional with half a brain should think, "For my part, I don't give a good Goddamn if someone has trained themselves to eat shit and like it. The game is not challenging, it's difficult to play, and it's taken many years but I'm ready to begin making this distinction." Controls shouldn't need an explanation (or a video like the not-official one after the break), innovation can be intuitive if it's done right. Yeah, you can explain what the buttons should do, but when professionals can't use the controls properly, and they're trying to review the game for a general video game enthusiast -- that's a problem.

(photo and article segment from

Blogger's Note: I really thought this post was a joke when I first read it. The fact that Sony actually designed, published and distributed this "Reviewer's Guide" simply blows my mind. Certainly these people who review games for a living do not understand how to play them properly. That's the only logical conclusion for a PS3 game to get a lousy review. The only thing Sony accomplished here was to insult the very people who will review every future PS3 game to come down the line. Good one, Guys.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Mark Your Calendars